As always, we are committed to making things easy for our customers. Right now, we have one of the nations largest insurance companies sitting at Archie Cochrane Ford ready to process your vehicle claim and give you a check for your damages. What's even better, we can also appraise your vehicle and give you a value for it. If things work out for you, why not use the check and trade your vehicle in? Why fix it? We want it fixed or dinged up. There's always a market for vehicles like yours. If you have a payoff on your vehicle, don't worry about it. We'll take care of all the necessary proceedures in making this work out for you.
This is a great opportunity for you to buy a new or newer vehicle without waiting to have yours fixed.
If you happen to have any questions in how everything works, simply call me "Mike Weiland" and I'll explain it to you.
As always, We appreciate your business.
Mike Weiland
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