Archie Cochrane Ford would like to extend a $400 savings to you if you are thinking about extending your current factory warranty or service contract. Maybe a new vehicle just isn't in the works for you this year but you'd like to know that you are covered in the event that something happens to your car or truck. It's always easy to advertise the new vehicles but sometimes we forget that what you are driving has really treated you well and you like it. Maybe you'd like to keep your vehicle for a little while longer. As with all of our programs, we only use the best programs that we know will take care of you when you need them. For Archie Cochrane Ford to actually endorse a service contract really took some research on our end. We have two programs available right now. One program is from Ford directly and the other one is called MasterTech. Both companies have a long time history with this dealership and they provide the most bang for your buck. Also, if you decide to trade your vehicle in during the covered period, we'll pro rate your service contract and give you the money back on the unused portion. Not bad huh? Why wouldn't you want to make sure you investment is covered? Listen folks, this isn't just a sales pitch. Who really has an extra $2500 sitting around for fixing things such as transmissions and transfer cases? Give us a call and let us give you a few options, then decide! I think you'll be pleasantly surprised as to how much money you can save on these service contracts. Call us or e-mail today.
Suzie Countway Fleet Finance and Service Contract Specialist E-MAIL ME
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